We help technical experts understand their assets, package them and create a strategy so they can plot their own course.


Hi. I'm Suzan, the founder of Bet On Yourself.

I help technical experts build a meaningful career on their terms. Whether you have a traditional job or work for yourself,  you need to plot your own path if you want fulfillment in your career. 

You find the management track unappealing and would rather stick to your area of expertise. You've gone out on your own or are considering it, but worry learning all the new business skills will be daunting.

At this point in your career, it's hard to find mentors to give you perspective on how to build that meaningful career, package your expertise, promote your latest book or balance it all.  You need someone with complementary skills to help you define your path.


It's time to bet on yourself.

  • Feel like you're on a hamster wheel of burnout?
  • Are ready to get unstuck in your career?
  • Are considering a career or job change and are unsure where to start?

The ORIENT program is for you.


how to get started

The Indiedotes podcast has launched! Hear Chris Parsons share his experience with his video game Kickstarter campaign.

The missing path for the technical expert.

Get helpful articles about plotting your own career path into your inbox, without leaving your chair.

"Working with Suzan has both lowered my stress level and increased my income. Before Suzan, I was running on a reactive hamster wheel.  I spent so much time responding to personal requests from random individuals that I couldn't complete big works of general utility. Her help with business strategy helped me identify my larger goals and focus on the things that matter."

Sandi Metz, author, Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby

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"I think of Suzan as my brand whisperer.  She's a great listener who has helped me cut through the noise of business as usual to make key strategy course corrections. It's such a gift to have her see who you are and what you should focus on to have a fulfilling professional journey.

Marty Haught, software architect and founder, Haught Codeworks


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“Suzan is my secret weapon. I have so many ideas and doubt myself a lot before acting on them. Whenever I feel a slump or that I just need a strategic next step with an idea I’ve been kicking around I call on Suzan. She’s strategic, calls me on my stuff and gets my mind moving. Before the last call I had with her I had an idea I was stuck on for about a year. One day after our call, I had two new clients and a sponsor plus venue booked for the event idea I was stuck on. She not only empowered me to make big moves but literally convinced me to bet on myself! “

Bobbilee Hartman, event planner and engineer


p.s. you've got this.