When you start a new job, the company provides you with the best tools and information to get your work done. When you work for yourself, you need to create that all on your own. After more than 12 years of self-employment, I've gathered tools and resources that will help you run your business more smoothly. Come back to your Bet On Yourself toolkit anytime you need it.
Getting a handle on the business stuff is one of the toughest things for business owners. If it's a whole new landscape for you, here are a few helpful tools.
Master the art of solopreneurship: A free e-course on working for yourself
What I wish I knew before going independent: four lessons I learned the hard way -- so you don't have to
Google Analytics: Set this up on your website immediately and be sure to review your stats monthly
20 legal basics you need to know: The legal stuff isn't fun but it is important. Level up with this primer
Nusii: Proposal software for creative professionals with a free 15-day trial
How to handle income instability: Solid-advice from four solopreneurs who have been there
Your biggest obstacle is actually inside your head. Getting your thinking straight is essential and actually comes first. Here's a handful of places to start. You can find plenty of others on the articles page.
Why I stopped calling myself a freelancer: (and you should too)
Difficult conversations: Practical tips on how to have hard conversations and leave with relationships intact
Concerns about self-promotion: Here's how to not to let that one person on the internet hold you back
How to handle rejection: Here's how to think about this common challenge for solopreneurs
Why you underprice yourself: The answer isn't on a spreadsheet, it's between your ears
You have to do some sort of promotion to get the word out there that you're open for business. While these tools won't solve all your marketing dilemmas, they'll sure make it a bunch easier.
How to market yourself without being a sellout: How to promote your work without feeling icky
Mailchimp: You should have an email list and this tool is easy to use and free for your first 2,000 subscribers This tools allows you to record, edit, publish and host your own podcast
Anatomy of a landing page: The landing page is a marketing staple -- this gives a solid high-level overview
How to be more quotable: Having easily digestible bits in your writing and talks makes it easy for others to share
To Sell is Human: One of the best books about the art and science of selling -- a must read
Feeling overwhelmed with your business and don't know where to start?